Town employee insurance tabled until February
Wed, 01/17/2024 - 8:25am

Employee insurance was discussed, an employee is having an issue with insurance and the town is looking at options, but rates would increase for everyone. There was a lengthy executive session and it was decided to table insurance until the February meeting.
The Bison Bar has been having an issue when they use the exhaust fans there is a sewer smell in the building. The smoke test has been completed and the sewer gas is coming in under the urinal in the mens bathroom. The issue will be repaired.
Siefken will check into the cost of a small sander that attaches with a receiver hitch or a skid steer spreader cost could possibly be added to the 2025 budget. With all the ice on the streets from the Christmas rain/ice, streets have had to be sanded more than usual.
A liquor license open container request was made by the Bison Commercial Club for Saturday, March 9, 2024 for the Pub Crawl.
Two three year terms are up on the Town Board, if anyone is interested in running for the positions see Paula at the finance office