Faith Cub Scout Pack 14 completes first community service project of 2018
Picture 1 Caption: Pie anyone? .... Back row: Jon Collins, Joseph Gould, and Mathew Shackow. Front row: Chizum Johnson, Jay Collins, and Quirt Wondercheck. When purchasing tickets you were able to choose which of the three volunteers you would like to receive a pie by choosing a ticket color; Pack Parent, Jon(orange), Pack Leader, Joseph(green), or Deputy Police Officer, Mathew(yellow). Jon had the most tickets purchased in his name receiving eight pies, with Joseph and Matt each receiving four pies. These three Scouts sold the most tickets winning the honor of “giving the pies.” Our community once again rallied together to help one of our families during a trying time. The Cub Scouts learned about what being part of a community means, and our wonderful volunteers are filled up on cool whip for the year.
Picture 2 Caption: Scouting in the Community ... the Cub Scouts are shown here presenting a check to the VanDerLinden family after the Pinewood Derby held Saturday, Feb. 17, 2018. The Scouts decided their first community service project of 2018 would be to help the VanDerLinden family offset medical costs for Police Chief Matt VanDerLinden. The kids sold raffle tickets for a “Pie in the Face”, with all proceeds going to VanDerLinden family.