2021’s Best and Brightest Honored for Academic Excellence
Wed, 05/12/2021 - 10:09am

The best and brightest from the Class of 2021 were recognized for their academic achievements during their high school career.
Governor Kristi Noem and the Associated School Boards of South Dakota (ASBSD) honored students who were identified as the top one percent of their senior class, from the state’s schools as part of the 31st Annual Academic Excellence Recognition event.
“Because of South Dakota’s bright young students, our future is very bright,” Governor Noem said. “Many of these academic high achievers will become our next generation of leaders.”
Students designated as their high school’s honoree(s) received a certificate, SD pin and the opportunity to meet and have their photo taken with Governor Noem.
ASBSD Executive Director Wade Pogany reiterated the Governor’s sentiment.
“This group of students have excelled in the classroom and beyond,” Pogany said. “We’re thankful for the opportunity to recognize their academic accomplishments and look forward to seeing them thrive as future leaders of this state.”