Faith Arts Council holds Annual Trunk-Or-Treat event on Main Street
Wed, 11/06/2024 - 11:43am

The Faith Arts Council held their Annual Trunk-Or-Treat on Main Street in Faith Thursday, October 31, 2024. The event was held at the south end of Main Street. Local businesses and community members gathered to set up their Trunk -Or-Treat areas in preparation of a large crowd between 4:00 pm and 5:30 pm. The weather was very nice for the event and community attendance did not disappoint as a large crowd came out to enjoy the event.
There were many fun and interesting costumes to see through out the evening. A sumo wrestler helped Faith Ambulance Director Kris Escott hand out treats, while M&D had a helper you couldnt even get a word out of, but was always ready to give a high five! The kids all did a great job with costumes ranging from inventive to scary.
A new event added to the fun this year was pumpkin bowling. It was a hit (pun intended)! It’s safe to say this is an event that will be looked forward to year after year!
The goal of the Faith Arts Council is to bring the arts and art education opportunities to the Faith community and let local artists express their artistic skills.
If you would like to know more about the Faith Arts Council please reach out to any of the council members for more information.