Bayberry Street Paving Project Completed; City Public Works Plans For Extensive Sewer Project on SD Highway 73
Wed, 08/19/2020 - 10:09am

Elizabeth “Liz” Meighen
The Kadoka City Council conducted its regularly scheduled, monthly meeting on August 10. The meeting was conducted at the Annex in order to maintain social distancing, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) due to the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Council members attending the meeting included Chris Grillo, Tim Huffman, Rusty Olney, Eileen Stolley, Tia Stout, Harry Weller, and Ryan Willert.
Mayor Weller called the meeting to order and the Council approved the current meeting agenda. The Council approved meeting minutes for the regular July meeting and minutes from the July 21 special meeting. The special meeting focused primarily upon issues arising from collapsed sewer lines on S.D. Highway 73. The Council conducted a telephone conference with Jeff McCormick, Schmucker, Paul, Nohr & Associates, Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors (SPN) to discuss two options available to the city. During the conference, the Council requested a third option in addition to estimates for the project. During the special meeting, the Council reviewed the first draft of budgeted expenses for 2021.
In matters of new business, Lori Waldron, BankWest Insurance, provided the Council with a detailed report of what the annual policy entails in terms of coverage, premium increases and coverage for the Kadoka City Bar. Olney noted that the city owns a building at the airport that requires coverage as well. Waldron noted that the policy includes replacement coverage based upon the value of the building. Olney also expressed the need for coverage relating to serving alcohol at events hosted at the Kadoka City Auditorium. The Council approved the renewal of the policy for twelve months of coverage.
Next on the agenda, Dave Reiss, executive director for the Central South Dakota Enhancement District (CSDED) addressed the Council. He informed the Council of funding available to the city through the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) through the South Dakota Bureau of Finance and Management. He presented ideas to the Council of what the funding would cover in assisting the city in their response to the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). Expenditures for items such as personal protective equipment or equipment to help maintain the continuity of government during the pandemic. Reiss noted the city must purchase the equipment than submit the application for a refund of the expenditures.
McCormick presented the third option to the Council for replacement of failed sewer lines on S.D. Highway 73. SPN believes the sewer lines are a “100 percent failure and deem it an emergency.” He noted various means to obtain funding for the project including a loan from the South Dakota Department of
Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). McCormick noted that to secure a loan through the DENR would “require jumping through some hoops” and suggested securing a loan through their local financial institution. He also suggested that the city seek placement on the state water plan in order to make the city “eligible for grants and better funding options.” Reiss noted that the city would not be eligible for Community Block Development Grants sponsored through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act because of the city revenues and resources. Olney commented that the city planned to pay for the project but wanted to explore options such as low interest municipal loans or grants. Reiss stated that the city must plan to increase water and sewer rates in order to qualify for funding when the city proceeds to improve its infrastructure. He also noted these increases effectively increase departmental revenue to be self-sufficient, operating at a profit. Willert suggested a tiered increase in rates that enables the city to qualify for funding. Matters complicating the project include new fiber option lines installed by Golden West Telecommunications and an extensive repaying project for S.D. Highway 73 slated for 2021. The Council authorized McCormick to complete the plans for the sewer project in order to proceed with installation of new sewer lines.
The meeting progressed to departmental reports. The enforcement service, Code Enforcement Specialists, LLC (CES) provided a new report after completing a second survey. He conducted determined which property owners complied and those who have not corrected matters in violation of Section 7—Health and Sanitation are correcting the violations. A second round of letters will be mailed to property owners in continued violation. Willert stated CES should mail “harsh letters on September 1” as property owners have had 60 days to rectify the issue.” Olney noted the second letter served as an “abatement letter where they [CES] can move the vehicles.” Weller requested that CES contact the city prior to their next survey.
The street department report was provided by Patrick Solon, public works employee. He informed the council that the Bayberry Street paving project has been completed. Many council members commented on the improvement to the city curb appeal and the project looked nice compared to the old pavement. Solon also reported that the city contractor sprayed for mosquitos last month and plans to spray again. Solon inquired in a matter relating to culvert installations for private drives. After discussion, the city determined it would provide a 20-foot culvert for driveways and if a property owner wanted a larger size that the city would charge for the installation and materials.
A special meeting will be conducted for review of the 2021 budget will be scheduled for a later date in August. The next regularly scheduled, monthly meeting will be at the Annex on September 14. The public is invited and encouraged to attend the meetings.
Please refer to the meeting minutes appear in the legal notices section on page 8 of this week’s Kadoka Press.