Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Meighen

City Plans For Annual All-Class Reunion And Summer Infrastructure Projects

The Kadoka City Council conducted its regular, monthly meeting on May 10 at the Kadoka City Finance Office. Council Members attending the meeting included Chris Grillo, Tim Huffman, Rusty Olney, Eileen Stolley, Tia Stout, Harry Weller and Ryan Willert. 
Mayor Weller promptly called the meeting to order. At that time, Olney moved to add Jeff McCormick, an engineering associate with Schmucker, Paul, Nohr and Associates (SP&N), to the meeting agenda. The Council voted in favor of the amended agenda. The Council approved minutes for the April monthly meeting and a special meeting conducted on April 19. At the special meeting, the Council approved a plat of property intersecting at Maple Street and state Highway 248. The former property owner, Dawn Rasmussen, donated that parcel to the City. The site is home to a carved granite stone welcoming people to the community. It was placed in celebration of the city’s 2006 centennial. The surveying company, D.C. Scott Surveyors, Inc., recommended installing a footer under the rock. During the special meeting, Dave Reiss and Jennie Palmer, representatives with the Central South Dakota Enhancement District, and Stephanie Trask, the city attorney, presented revised zoning ordinances to the Council for consideration. The City took no action on matters relating to zoning and planning at that time. 
LaTasha Buchholz, finance officer, submitted invoices for review by the members of the Council. She presented April 2021 financial reports, including departmental revenues, departmental expenses and bank account balances as of April 30. The Council approved the invoices and financial statements for April 2021. 
Before proceeding with the meeting, Council Member Willert moved to adjourn the meeting, in effect dismissing outgoing members of the City Council. Weller, acting as pro tempore mayor for Kadoka, reconvened the meeting. Buchholz administered the oath of office to Weller, as mayor of Kadoka. Weller, in turn, administered the oath of office to Council Members Grillo, Olney and Willert. The Council voted to appoint Stolley as the Council President and Willert as the Council Vice President. 
The Council proceeded with matters of new business and McCormick presented an update to the Council on behalf of SP&N. The City plans to install water lines in addition to other projects slated this summer to improve the City’s infrastructure.  
The Jackson County Highway Department (JCHD) submitted a building permit to construct a new shop on property located at the intersection of state Highway 248 and Twelfth Avenue. The City and Jackson County recently entered into a real estate agreement in which the City agreed to a land exchange for property it owned adjacent to the site on which the JCHD plans to construct a new facility. The Council approved the permit as submitted by the JCHD. The City reviewed a moving permit submitted by Rich Hildebrand to relocate a structure to property intersecting at Poplar Street and Fifth Avenue. Two Council Members voted against the permit; however, the majority ruled, and the Council approved the permit with a 4-2 vote.
In the last matters of new business, the Council reviewed a request submitted by the Kadoka Volunteer Fire Department and the Kadoka Ambulance Service to obtain a special events liquor license. The special license is for June 25-26 during the annual Kadoka all-class reunion celebration. The Council voted to approve the license with a 5-1 vote. The Council reviewed malt beverage license renewals submitted by five local business. The Council voted to approve the licenses with a 5-1 vote. 
The Council received departmental reports and the first report dealt with code enforcement and violations of Title 7—Health and Sanitation. Code Enforcement Specialists (CES), a contractual company providing code enforcement services for Kadoka, reported that they mailed more letters to property owners in violation of Title 7 ordinances. CES conducts routine surveys of the community, notifying offenders by mail. 
Nathan Riggins, the city water and sewer department superintendent, provided his report to the Council. He plans to flush hydrants and order more remote wired water meters to replace older, manual meters. Patrick Solon, a public works department employee, reported replacing culverts in various locations in Kadoka. The solid waste department provided a favorable report as the city-owned landfill waives most fees during the month of May. Residents may take advantage of the opportunity to clear debris from their property and transfer it to the landfill at no charge. The waiver does not include disposal of household garbage and tires. On Saturday, May 22, the solid waste department plans to close the transfer station and landfill for the day. 
Jackie Stillwell, manager of the Kadoka City Bar, reported plans for the annual Kadoka all-class reunion celebration and requested authorization to purchase an outdoor bar and 36 bar stools. The Council approved that request with a vote of 5-1. Stillwell requested authorization to hire additional bartenders to accommodate patrons during the annual celebration at a rate of $11 per hour. The Council discussed the matter, voting 4-2 to approve Stillwell’s request to hire temporary bartenders and waitstaff at a rate of $11 per hour, up $1 per hour from last year’s rate of pay. 
In matters of public safety, the Council discussed purchasing a mobile pedestrian crossing sign to use at the site of various functions throughout the city. Forrest Davis, public safety director, submitted his April report to the Council. 
Mayor Weller provide the Council with preliminary worksheets for the upcoming 2022 fiscal year planning. 
The next monthly meeting of the Kadoka City Council will be held on June 14 at 7 p.m. at the Kadoka City Finance Office. The public is invited and encouraged to attend the meetings. 
Please refer to the legal notices section of the Kadoka Press for a copy of the Kadoka City Council meeting minutes.

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