Kadoka Concordia Lutheran Church welcomes new pastor, Marcia Brennan
Wed, 05/12/2021 - 10:10am
The Concordia Lutheran Church is welcoming Marcia Brennan as their new pastor. Brennan and her husband, Mark, come from Central Valley, California, and moved to South Dakota nearly a decade ago. Brennan was ordained by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ECLA) in 2006 and has served in a multitude of parishes in California and South Dakota. She hopes to bring attentiveness and servitude to the community's needs and asks that the community let the church know what is important to them. Services are currently shared via Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/concordia.lutheran.church.elca.kadoka/ every Sunday at 10 a.m. MT.
Brennan considers serving the church, a "joy, and a privilege. I love to teach, visit people in their homes, and lead worship." Having been actively involved in the church for several years before her official ordination in 2006, "I experienced God's calling to the professional ministry as a 'loving and persistent nudging from God which led to my attending seminary, being ordained and then serving God's people as a pastor."
Her full list of former churches includes Our Savior's in Fresno, CA, Trinity Lutheran in Fort Bragg, CA, First Lutheran in Newell, SD, and Immanuel Lutheran in Zeona, SD.
Who are you? Tell us about yourself and your family.
My husband Mark and I have been married for 40 years now. We celebrated our 40th anniversary by going shopping at Walmart! It doesn't take much to please us. I enjoy swimming, riding my bicycle, reading, gardening, and sewing. My husband Mark enjoys music and our dog, Raz. We both enjoy going for drives in the countryside. We have one daughter, Kelly (former lawyer) who is married to Kevin (a computer security consultant) and live in Rapid City. We adore our two grandchildren, Ethan (8) and Leah (6). They are such a joy and delight to us!
Both Mark and I grew up in what is called the Central Valley of California. This is an intensive agricultural area which supplies about 70% of the nation's fruits and vegetables and is typically conservative in its thinking. I always tell people I don't know how to surf and have never been swimming in the ocean (there are things in there that can eat you!). Both my husband and I are looking forward to being part of the Kadoka community. I was raised in a small town and very much enjoy small town and rural life. I was able to serve for one summer at the Pine Ridge Reconciliation Center in Pine Ridge. I loved learning about traditional Lakota culture and spending time with the Lakota people. I took a semester of Lakota language in Spearfish but need to seriously brush up and review! We are currently trusting in God to provide housing for us in Kadoka. Any information or leads from the community would be greatly appreciated!
What is your favorite
memory in your role as a church leader?
Before attending seminary, I had worked as a Registered Nurse for 24 years, mostly in the Operating Room. Even though I was ordained in the Lutheran Church, my Masters of Divinity was from a Mennonite Brethren seminary. I later attended Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkeley, CA to complete an advanced degree and then qualify for a call and ordination. Long story short, at my ordination service in Fresno, CA I was able to serve communion to my nursing friends, my Mennonite professors, and classmates, and members of the Lutheran Church I was being called to. It was a blessing to be able to see this wide variety of friends and supporters, all from different denominations and walks of life!
What would you say to
people who are maybe thinking of being involved in church leadership?
My advice would be to pray and listen to God's leading. God gives each of us gifts empowered by the Spirit of God and calls us to a life of service. God uses Scripture, prayer, our communities, and circumstances to guide us. All Christians are leaders because we are able to influence others.
Is there anyone you'd like to thank at this point in your pastoral life?
I am very thankful to the ELCA which has given me a chance to serve as a pastor. I am also thankful for my husband, Mark who has always been supportive of my calling, even when it would have been easier to turn away from it. I also want to thank my good friend, Pastor Bill Knezovich at Our Saviour's Lutheran, who taught me so much about being a faithful pastor.
What new things can the people around the
community expect?
The possibility of a contemporary style worship service exists. We hope to begin a midweek after-school program for children, a weekly Bible study, and possibly a monthly Family Fun Night where a meal is served along with games and crafts for children and adults. At the end of May, we will be hosting a Vacation Bible School for children. Call the church office at 837-2390 for more information. We will also be participating in the Scavenger's Journey, June 25-27, 2021.
The Concordia Lutheran Church has service and Holy Communion every Sunday at 10 am MT. It can be found right across the street from the city swimming pool at 615 Poplar Street. For more information about services, call 837-2390 or visit their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/concordia.lutheran.church.elca.kadoka/.