Arbor Day drawing contest winners

The Wall fifth grade students entered the calendar Arbor Day drawing contest. The theme was about trees, forests and how we enjoy them in our everyday lives. Lesa Stephans from the Soil Conservation office was on hand to present awards to the top placers. She also gave every participant a Nanking cherry bush as well. Samantha Rancour’s poster was among the top selection for the state and just missed making the top 12 for the calendar.  Congratulations to each and every one! Fifth grade class front L to R: Regan Simons (third place), Sierra Hilgenkamp (first place), Breanna McConnell (second place) and Samantha Rancour (first place). Second Row: Alex Chase, Austin Chase, Drew Griebel, Kellyn Rausch, Ava Dinger and Keaunna Poor Bear. Third Row: Mrs. Karol Patterson, Carter Fortune, Malcom Heathershaw, Wambli Hayes, Connor Crawford and Soil Conservationist Lesa Stephens. 


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