First Interstate Greater Wall Area Fund presents the Wall Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors with a $10,000 grant award for the Rental Housing Project. Pictured left to right, WEDC Board Members Mercede Hess, Carolynn Anderson, Mary Williams, Marty Huether, Dani Herring, WEDC Executive Director Cheyenne McGriff, WEDC Board Member Josh Geigle and First Interstate Greater Wall Area Fund President Brett Blasius. (WEDC Board Member present but not pictured, Kalie Kjerstad).

First Interstate Greater Wall Area Fund awards Rental Housing Project

WEDC hopes to show the community that we are making a wholehearted attempt to address what we see as a crisis affecting meaningful growth."
Housing is a well-known concern in Wall, especially rental housing. According to the September 2016 Wall Housing Study, Wall had zero rentals available. The City of Wall and Wall Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) have spent the last two years conducting research, planning and waiting for the right opportunity to address Wall’s rental housing shortage. The City of Wall and WEDC recently took a large step toward a rental housing solution.
In February, the City of Wall and WEDC purchased a property located at 402 Glenn Street, Wall. The plan is to first clear and prepare the 0.76-acre lot. Then, the lot will be sold to developers for rental housing development. WEDC sent an open request for proposals, due back to WEDC on Feb. 23rd. WEDC’s goal is to have new rental housing developed on the property within one year. 
The First Interstate Greater Wall Area Fund provided a $10,000 grant to WEDC to help make the project possible. Grant funds will be used for demolition, site preparation and other related project costs. 
“First Interstate Greater Wall Area Fund is proud to support this very important ‘rental housing project’ in our community that has been taken on by WEDC,” First Interstate Greater Wall Area Fund President Brett Blasius said, “There is demand for this type of housing in Wall and we appreciate the efforts being made by WEDC and others.”
WEDC believes this housing project will have a significant impact on the Wall community. 
“Developing rental housing units will help increase Wall’s population, available jobs, workforce availability, school system enrollment and overall quality of life,” WEDC Executive Director Cheyenne McGriff said.
"Until we begin to solve the housing issue in Wall, we will find it difficult to bring in the additional workforce that allows existing businesses to expand or for new business ventures looking to move in,” Wall Mayor Marty Huether stated, “WEDC hopes to show the community that we are making a wholehearted attempt to address what we see as a crisis affecting meaningful growth."
If you have questions about WEDC or the housing project, please contact Cheyenne McGriff at 605-279-2658 or email

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