Golden West elects Board Members

The 63rd annual meeting of the Golden West Telecommunications Cooperative was held at the Wall Community Center on Saturday, September 26. The 300 members attending the event elected three board members, heard of the growth and performance of their cooperative and enjoyed lunch, entertainment and door prizes.
After the National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance, Board President Jeff Nielsen began with an introduction of the Board of Directors and remarks on the critical role of telecommunications in rural communities. He reminded those attending about the importance of being a member-owner of Golden West, noting that October is National Cooperatives Month. “Our role as a Cooperative is to represent your interests, and it’s one we take very seriously,” Nielsen said.
Golden West General Manager Denny Law reiterated President Nielson, saying “Golden West’s purpose is to bring people the telecommunications services they need to live, work, and succeed no matter where they call home.” He went on to discuss the accomplishments of Golden West over the past year, including building over 450 miles of fiber optics, increasing internet speeds, and continuing to advocate for rural telecommunications policy on a national level. “We will continue to fight for policies that improve our ability to provide services affordably and efficiently,” said Law.
Both Law and Nielsen also spoke about the recent induction of Rod Renner into the South Dakota Association of Cooperatives Hall of Fame. Renner has served on the Golden West Board for over 40 years. He was first elected in 1972, and has held the position of Board President twice. Law noted that “This is an outstanding achievement and we are grateful and honored to have someone of Rod’s caliber serving on our Board.”
Following Law’s address, three incumbents were re-elected to the board of directors for Golden West Telecommunications. Kenneth “Buddy” Bolzer of Martin, serving District IV, Arnie Hill of White River, serving District III, and Ansel Wooden Knife of Interior, serving District VI. All three will begin new four year terms.
The Black Hills Woodshredders entertained the crowd with “newgrass” and country music on fiddle and guitar. Susan Smith of Martin, SD won the $500 grand prize drawing. Golden West will hold their next annual meeting on September 24, 2016.