Wall City Council Prepares For Love’s Building Permit Decision
Monday evening the Wall City Council meeting was attended by a larger than average group of citizens and business owners, and was held in the community hall to accommodate everyone.
Among the issues drawing the larger crowd was an agenda item for the building permit which Oklahoma City based Love’s has applied for, in order to build a truck-stop.
This discussion has been ongoing, and has drawn the city into litigation requiring the acquisition of special legal council, at the expense of the City of Wall, and by proxy its taxpayers.
So far technicalities regarding zoning, property ownership, and the expedition of a timely decision by city council decision allowing or denying the building permit have all been in play, with a portion of discussion taking place in executive sessions due to the sensitive legal lines being walked during this process. At Monday’s meeting Jeff Collins, the attorney representing Love’s called for the council to vote to determine whether conflicts of interest exist for members of Wall City Council in relation to the decision at hand, and potentially prompt members to recuse themselves from the vote.
The proposed location on the south side of Interstate-90 near the Kelly addition residential area has drawn criticism from residents of the immediate area, citing a number of potential issues from noise and light pollution, to congestive traffic, safety issues involving how exit 110 is situated, and property value impact.
Proponents are optimistic about job creation, and tax revenue that could be generated, concerns revolving around what impact existing businesses could see in the form of deviated revenue and human resources have been raised in response.
Citizens during Monday night’s meeting asked questions regarding current ownership of the property, the procedure for zoning in the specific case at hand, and what criteria council members are using to make their decision. One very specific question was asked involving who the applicant for the building permit is, the answer to which was One Shot LLC, however it was quickly pointed out that Love’s “has standing,” which means in most cases that the party has alleged sufficient legal interest and injury to participate.
The decision was ultimately delayed further pending a decision regarding aforementioned litigation brought forth earlier this month.
The next city council should bear more definitive decisions, and is scheduled to take place on September 2nd, at 6:30 p.m., at city hall. Mayor Huether voiced that this meeting may be a more prudent time for public comment on this issue, given the current circumstances.