Wall Economic Development to Receive State Workforce Recruitment Program Funds
Wall Economic Development Corporation is proud to announce the Governor’s Office of Economic Development has awarded the or- ganization a workforce recruitment grant in the amount of $9,750.00.
“We are planning to use market- ing funds to attract trade industry workers to our community and pro- vide relocation incentives up to $1,500 per household.” said Liliya Stone, Executive Director of Wall Economic Development Corpora- tion.
In August, the Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GOED) announced a workforce recruitment program to inform out-of-state job seekers that South Dakota busi- nesses across the state are hiring.
Communities were invited to apply for funding, which would be distributed based on the partner- ship commitment, and the quality of jobs available.
The two-part workforce initiative includes an opportunity for both marketing as well as incentives for workforce recruitment in local com- munities across the state. The digi- tal marketing effort will promote both businesses and communities looking for help. Incentives such as relocation bonuses, signing bo- nuses, and upskilling are also included.
With both initiatives, GOED will provide Wall Economic Devel- opment Corporation funds to be matched.
A state-wide workforce campaign has already begun, and individual community campaigns anticipate launching in October throughout the states of South Dakota, Wyo- ming, Nebraska, Montana, Califor- nia, Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, and Colorado.