Wall Native is Bringing at-Home Care Back to Her Hometown

Randee Mason, formerly Randee Harmdierks, grew up in Wall, South Dakota, and graduated from Wall High School in 1997. Most of you probably know her as, “Ran- dee Rose.” Randee began her col- lege career at South Dakota School of Mines on a basketball scholar- ship. During her time at the School of Mines, Randee found a passion for nursing. There was a nurse who went above and beyond while caring for a friend she was visiting in the hospital, which in- spired her to start nursing school the next semester at South Dakota State University. Randee gradu- ated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and has now been a Reg- istered Nurse for 20 years. Randee currently owns her own business with her partner Dr. James Kee- gan, an infectious disease special- ist, called Keegan Mason & Associates (KMA). Keegan Mason & Associates is a national health- care consulting company that has been in business for almost 8 years. KMA’s service area ranges from West Virginia to Hawaii. KMA has opened many doors in the healthcare industry for Ran- dee, including Cornerstone Care- giving.

Cornerstone Caregiving is na- tionwide Senior In-Home Care As- sistance. Cornerstone Caregiving offers services such as medication reminders, bathing assistance, dressing, laundry, light housekeep- ing, pet care, and exercise to sen- iors. Cornerstone Caregiving reached out to Randee, which ex- cited her because she knew that this service is exactly what the Black Hills and Badlands areas needed. “I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for the elderly,” stated Mason and that is why she wants to add value to the clients they serve by allowing them to stay in their homes where they are the most comfortable and happi- est. Randee serves as Cornerstone Caregiving’s Director of Opera- tions for the Black Hills and now the Badlands area.

Randee and the Wall Economic Development Corporation’s Aging in Place committee are teaming up to bring Cornerstone Caregiving to Wall. Randee stated that she is very excited and passionate about bringing these services to Wall. Mason still has family in Wall, and she wants to give back to a com- munity that gave so much to her while growing up. “I can still make an impact in Wall, without living there, by creating jobs and allow- ing seniors to stay home and not have to move out of the town they have lived in their whole lives,” says Mason. This service is to help seniors keep their independence and make sure they don’t feel like a burden to others. It’s not just serving the elderly; it’s also help- ing relieve the family members that care for them. Randee says that it is her goal to make a posi- tive impact in the lives of seniors. “I just want to see them smile and feel good,” says Mason, “Even if we are only with them for two hours a week, seeing a smile on their face makes it all worth it.”

Randee does the initial assess- ment with each client, in order to customize their care plan. “After that first initial visit with each client, I wish I could be the one to take care of them all,” says Ran- dee. However, Randee precisely pairs each caregiver with clients based on personality types and needs.

Cornerstone Caregiving offers its services to anyone that is 18 years or older, but the primary focus is the elderly. They also pro- vide 24/7 care to those that need it or short-term care for someone that may be recovering from sur- gery. Cornerstone Caregiving’s of- fice is located at 801 Mt Rushmore Rd, Ste 204, in Rapid City, SD. If you are interested in Cornerstone Caregiving’s services please con- tact Randee Mason, Director of Operations, at (605) 646-2805 or visit their website https://corner- stonecaregiving.com/rapidcity/.


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