Wall Pool Staff Round Out the Summer

Wall's team of lifeguards is rather sizeable for the small town, consisting of a college student, four recent graduates, and four high school students. Of these remain- ing four, two will be upcoming sen- iors and two will be members of the junior class during the 2022- 2023 academic year.
The seniors, Skylie Wagner and Jett Mohr, both plan to attend Mit- chell Technical College. Wagner in- tends to work towards becoming a registered nurse after graduating high school, while Mohr seems to be taking the year to decide. Until then, they're enjoying what's left of the summer, staying cool with their peers and the children and families that seek relief from the heat.
Wagner commented, "I've al- ways loved being at the pool," add- ing that she's "been working [here] for two years." Although she isn't
certified to instruct swimming les- sons, she does enjoy monitoring the sessions, which have since ended for the summer. She also greatly enjoys interacting with the children. Many people share the belief that kids are full of life and provide some light to an otherwise ordinary day, and, on the topic, Wagner noted, "My favorite is when [they] accidentally belly flop." Similarly, Mohr mentioned that he enjoys seeing the kids learn how to dive.
These lifeguards' love for work- ing with children is strong, which is reportedly the main motivator for applying for a position at the pool – aside from or in combination with, of course, the opportunity to relive fun childhood memories and beat the heat. Upcoming junior Nora Dinger explained, "I enjoyed coming to the pool growing up and have always loved the outdoors. It
is also fun to interact with kids and be a part of their lives." Her classmate and coworker, Dawson Hess, particularly loves to teach children the ins and outs of pool games. Like Mohr, he finds watch- ing kids learn to dive to be a fun part of the job.
The younger Hess sibling plans to return next year, as do the Dinger sisters. The question of whether or not the other current staff members will lifeguard dur- ing the 2023 season remains up in the air. Each will be entering the next chapter in their lives, be- tween moving on to higher educa- tion and preparing to. In any case, there's a hope that underclassmen and fellow juniors and seniors will join the team as well, maintaining the pool even after their peers de- part. As any summer job goes, ho- wever, the staffing situation for next year is yet to be determined.