Wall Rodeo Booster Club honored for Business Improvements

Business Improvement Award: Wall Rodeo Booster Clubkeeps the Western Heritage alive by actively promoting youth, 4-H, high school, and Pro Rodeos. They endorse the highest type of conduct and sportsmanship at the rodeos that they host. Events in the community such as Playdays, 4-H Rodeo, Wall Regional Rodeo, and the Celebration PRCA Rodeo, these events encourage relationships among people that are interested in these activities and bring revenue to the city of Wall. They also lease their facilities to other groups and organizations that are involved with promoting activities for the City of Wall.
The Wall Rodeo Booster Club has improved their facilities to make their arena one of the best in the state of South Dakota for amateur and professional level Cowboys and Cowgirls to compete.
The arena lighting is especially important for evening events. The Wall Rodeo Boosters replaced their old arena lights with energy-saving LED lights and added a meter on the east side of the arena. This meter provides more amperage to host events that involve bands and lights such as the Shriners Circus and Wall Crawl. Recognizing the importance of technology, the Wall Rodeo Booster Club added internet service and created a Facebook Page to publicize the events hosted throughout the year.
Sand is added yearly to the large and small arenas so that the valuable rodeo horses used can perform better and not receive any injuries during their run. The ground for rodeo events is vital and carefully maintained by a volunteer.
With the help of memorial monies, the organization has installed a ticket booth at the entrance of the facility for the volunteer ticket takers so they can stay out of the elements when needed. Memorial tables and benches continue to be added to provide seating for eating and visiting.
In 2020, The Wall Rodeo Booster Club held their first Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association Rodeo during the July 10 Celebration. This brought numerous professional cowgirls and cowboys, huge crowds of spectators and vendors to town.