Penn. Co. Courant

Breanna McConnell
The Dakota Mill and Grain tends to be a hotspot during the summer months, and this year is no exception. Between clearing out bins, maintaining equipment, and loading up grain, harvest season in Wall undoubtedly keeps the team busy. According to manager Jerry Morgan, the winter wheat rush has since...
Wall's team of lifeguards is rather sizeable for the small town, consisting of a college student, four recent graduates, and four high school students. Of these remain- ing four, two will be upcoming sen- iors and two will be members of the junior class during the 2022- 2023 academic year. The...
With highs in and nearing the triple digits these past few weeks, the pool continues to be a popular setting. Co-manager Ava Dinger's predictions for the summer traffic had been on-target. Her fellow manager, Nathan Law, added that they've been increasing hourly break periods, in which adults are...
Breanna McConnell
By the end of this week, we will have already been nearly a month into the technical definition of summer and a month and a half into what many children know as summer: the three months that school is out and fun, sun-filled activities – such as going to the community pool – are in. Lifeguard...
The Cactus Cafe and Lounge structure was lost completely to the fire, which was still working to be put out the next morning.
Just before 9:00 p.m. on Monday, June 20, multiple fire departments addressed a major fire at the Cactus Cafe and Lounge in downtown Wall. According to the Pennington County Fire Administration, those who arrived on scene first found heavy smoke conditions and a free burning fire "extending into...
Ron Dyvig, Badlands Observatory Director, presented a plaque to the Board of Directors of the Town of Quinn on June 6, 2022 commemorating the naming of Asteroid 107561 Quinn. The asteroid was discovered at Badlands Observatory on February 28, 2001. Dyvig received discovery credit on 25 main belt...
Wednesday, May 23 was the ground breaking ceremony at the Wall Industrial Park. Shown (Left to Right): Wall City Council President Rick Hustead, City of Wall Mayor Mary Williams, Wall Public Works Director Garrett Bryan, Wall Economic Development Vice President Lindsey Reagle, WEDC Board Member Dawn Hilgenkamp, and WEDC Board Member Steven Edoff.
Wednesday, May 23, 2022 was a special day.  After two years of work towards future growth and development Wall Economic Development and the City of Wall held a Ground Breaking Ceremony at the site of the Wall Industrial Park. The May 23rd ceremony commemorated the start of construction of the...


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