Back to school supply drive in Philip & Faith
Wed, 07/26/2017 - 9:12am

First National Bank in Philip and Faith is sponsoring its month-long annual school supply drive that concludes Aug. 14.
Drop-off locations are at each bank. Jennifer Neville, Val Schulz and Matt Reedy are helping organize the drive in Philip.
“With our second annual back to school supply drive, we are once again reaching out to our communities to rally behind our students and teachers to give them the best possible start to the new school year,” said Neville. “The response to last year’s drive was phenomenal! We are excited to help our students invest in their future.”
The list of suggested supplies can be viewed in the advertisement elsewhere in this newspaper or the Profit.
The collected items will be taken to a community room at the Philip elementary building. Instructors are encouraged to grab needed items out of that room for students who may need them.