Frink named Haakon County Director of Equalization

In April of 2021 Haakon County appointed a new Director of Equalization, Amanka Frink. As an introduction to the Haakon County residents, the Pioneer Review staff submitted questions to Frink asking her to tell us about herself and her plans for the county.
“Hello to all the Haakon County residents! My name is Amanda Frink. Most of you know me as Amanda Carson since we owned and operated Wall Meat Processing for 34 years prior to me starting with Haakon County. I began with the county as Deputy Auditor on January 1, 2018, until I started as Director of Equalization on April 23, 2021. I have been busy working at getting the valuations in the rural areas current. We began in the far Northeastern part of the county in Township 9. We will continue to work through Township 9 thru 7 which lies in the top third of the county. This will also allow us to get a visual of the Cheyenne River and the silt build up along those areas. There is a challenge getting to all the rural areas in a timely manner due to the drive time being so long. We will continue with our plan if the weather cooperates. Our five-year plan is to work from the North to South. It has been apparent that the rural areas have lacked reassessment in previous years. I would like to invite any taxpayers in the reassessment areas to stop in and view the new values prior to October. There will be some noticeable changes in some areas. We are finding several outbuildings that have never been on the tax rolls. Myself or Katrina, Deputy Director of Equalization, would be more than happy to review the values with you. Remember we are reassessing as well and could be out of the office so please call before you come or schedule a time to review with us at 859-2824.
In the picture above is my husband, Travis and children, Ruth, Faith, Rhyden, Hope and Hazen. We stay very busy chasing them around with sports and were just surprised with Hazen a year ago. We enjoy raising our Quarter Horses and Registered and Commercial Black Angus cattle in our spare time. Once again I encourage any residents to stop in and visit about their assessments or just to say “Hi”.” -Amanda Frink