Haakon County Commissioners have full slate of business during May regular meeting
Wed, 05/11/2022 - 8:12am
The Haakon County Commissioners met on Monday, May 2 as a board of equalization to hear appeals presented after the April 12th meeting. No appeals had been filed so the board adjourned as a board of equalization. They then called the regular meeting to order.
States Attorney Marty Jackley reported that he has finalized the pipeline case. He still has a couple big cases to finalize. Jackley also checked into the county’s responsibility for mental health billings. State law requires the county to pay these bills. Later in the meeting, a hearing was held to supplement the Mentally Ill Budget which was approved.
Auditor Carla Smith reported on the Non-Ag Factor for 2022 (taxes payable in 2023) received from the Director of Equalization office and Emergency Manager met with the board for her monthly report.
The commissioners went into executive session (personnel) at approximately 1:20. After a short executive session they came out with no action taken.
At this point one application has been received for Director of Equalization. Closing date is Thursday, May 5, 2022. Several county travel requests were approved. Tim Quinn, representing the Weed and Pest Department reported that they have been out spraying on non-windy days. Quinn and Virgil Smith explained the procedure being used on prairie dogs.
Sheriff Fred Koester joined the meeting. He and the deputy sheriff have been spending some time in Midland. He will be meeting with the Midland Town council to discuss options to deal with speeding in the area.
The Lake Waggoner Golf Course malt beverage license was approved for renewal. The commissioners also approved a special event malt beverage/liquor license for the Philip Matched Bronc Ride.
Highway Superintendent Val Williams fielded questions and comments concerning various county road maintenance activities. Steve Daly inspected the county shop at Deep Creek. His opinion was to repair the building rather than tear it down and rebuild. Mike Gebes will work on getting someone up there to look at the repairs needed. The condition of the roads in that area were also discussed. The highway department is in the process of cleaning up the county shop area. Surplus equipment is being lined up and the tire pile has been sorted by type and size.
An executive session was called with Williams, Smith, and Deputy Auditor Stacy Pinney in attendance. Smith and Pinney left the executive session before the end of the session. No action was taken following the executive session.
Pinney explained the process of reorganizing the Haakon County Republican Committee. The reorganizational process must be started by a Republican elected official. This was presented for informational purposes only.
Board meeting software was discussed. Pinney explained the process of using software. The commissioners approved a 90-day trial of the recommended software. Personal and emergency management iPads will be used by the commissioners for meetings during the trial period.
Auditor Smith asked for an executive session for legal issues. The meeting was adjourned immediately following the executive session.
The May 2, 2022, Haakon County Commissioner’s meeting can be watched in its entirety on the Ravellette Publications Inc Facebook page. You can also read the auditor’s unofficial proceedings within the legal section of the Pioneer Review.
The next regular meeting of the Haakon County Commission will be Thursday, June 9, at which time the 2022 Primary Election canvass will be done.