Haakon School Board dicusses new HVAC system additions

The Haakon School District 27-1 Board of Education met for their regular monthly meeting on Monday, July 13. All members were present with the exception of board members Mark Radway and Jari Spry.
Three Board members were administered oaths of office. Anita Peterson, Jeff Gabriel and Doug Thorson each said their respective “I Do” to the oath.
The Board voted on the reorganization of the Board for the 2020-2021 school year. It was voted that Mark Radway sit as President and Jake Fitzgerald as Vice President. The Board chose to wait until the next meeting for President Radway to appoint and establish the following committees: Buildings, Memorial Field, Negotiations, Budget, BHSSC Representative and Truancy.
The Board spoke with the Pioneer Review newspaper to discuss the school’s relations with the newspaper. Don Ravellette, Publisher, and Mary Ravellette were present to discuss this agenda item. D. Ravellette asked what the re-opening plans would be, specifically concerning limiting the amount of visitors and what that meant for the newspaper when covering events and activities. Superintendent, Jeff Rieckman, stated that the plans are to start as normal as possible. He said there are a lot of things still up in the air, especially with sports, as the South Dakota High School Activities Association has not officially released their plans for this upcoming school year. Don requested that the paper not be forgotten during this time, as it is important to highlight the student’s and their activities and accomplishments.
Mary asked the Board about receiving a list of students, as the paper has requested and received every year (with the exception of last year’s high school students) for proofreading purposes. Rieckman and Mandie Menzel, High School Principal, stated they were hesitant to send out the lists to protect the students. Rieckman stated he spoke to the school’s attorney and there is no issue with releasing a list of students to the local newspaper.
The Board went through their list of annual designations (such as naming the official depository (First National Bank) and newspaper (Pioneer Review)). The K-12 meal prices will be increased by .25 cents to stay comparable to neighboring school districts. Rieckman stated with COVID, there might be an increase in disposable items for the cafeteria also.
The Board approved and offered certified and classified negotiation agreements.
The Board discussed two items for surplus, a 2000 Ford F-150 and a 1989 Ford Tractor.
At 7:30 p.m. the board deferred to a budget hearing to discuss the published budget and proposed budget.
Rieckman presented information to the board about possible improvements to the HVAC system. This would include ultraviolet lights from Global Plasma Solutions that would be placed inside the HVAC system and recirculate and disinfect the air every 15 minutes due to a process called ionization. From the company’s website regarding ionization, “Global Plasma Solutions’ NPBI technology works to safely clean the air inside industrial, commercial and residential buildings. The patented technology uses an electronic charge to create a plasma field filled with a high concentration of + and - ions. As these ions travel with the air stream they attach to particles, pathogens and gas molecules. The ions help to agglomerate fine sub-micron particles, making them filterable. The ions kill pathogens by robbing them of life-sustaining hydrogen. The ions breakdown harmful VOCs with an Electron Volt Potential under twelve (eV<12) into harmless compounds like O2, CO2, N2, and H2O. The ions produced travel within the air stream into the occupied spaces, cleaning the air everywhere the ions travel, even in spaces unseen.”
Rieckman stated this system would not only remove COVID related pathogens but also those that cause SARS and the flu, among others. The only items needed to clean the lights, is a cloth. The system would also neutralize odors caused by mold or mildew. From the company’s website, “As an educational institution, your responsibility is to provide a suitable learning environment that not only permits but enhances high scholastic performance. Good test scores demonstrate thriving teachers, professors, and pupils. Unfortunately, much of the institution’s budget must be allotted to heating and cooling and these expenses can be high and unpredictable. If air quality is not properly addressed, however, both instructors and pupils lose out due to airborne allergens, mold, bacteria, and viruses, and end up sick at home. Educational institutions have realized a 10-ton reduction (1,500 CFM) of outside air intake with the installation of the GPS-FC48-AC™, which helps avoid costly HVAC upgrades and simultaneously reduces operating and maintenance costs. This needlepoint bipolar ionization technology also destroys pathogens, minimizing cross-contamination of germs between students and staff, decreasing sick leave and increasing performance.” Board President Jake Fitzgerald had positive things to say about the system from doing his own research and offered to the board that he would be discussing implementing this system with his employer.
Coddy Gartner, Maintenance, provided his maintenance report.
The Board entered executive session to discuss negotiations for administrative contracts. The Board exited and approved the administrative contracts with a 2% increase.
Board Member, Anita Peterson, provided the BHSSC report. Business Manager, Britni Ross, provided the Business Manager’s report. Menzel provided the High School Principal’s Report and stated if concessions will be allowed, the wrestling club chose to no longer run the concession stand. Menzel stated she would need to talk to the City office to see if concessions would be allowed. Rieckman provided the Superintendent’s report.
The next regular meeting for the Haakon School Board will be Monday, August 10 in Room 127 (Library).