Photograph courtesy of Elizabeth MeighenPhotograph courtesy of Elizabeth Meighen

Kadoka City Council Plans For Infrastructure Projects; Proposal For New Gun Range

The Kadoka City Council conducted its regular, monthly meeting on April 11, 2023, at the Kadoka City Finance Office. Council Members attending the meeting included Chris Grillo, Paula Holley, Eileen Stolley, Harry Weller and Ryan Willert. Council Member Tim Huffman did not attend the meeting. Mayor Weller called the meeting to order and requested those in attendance stand and join him in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.  
Weller directed the Council to review and approve the meeting agenda. He requested the Council approve the March meeting minutes. The City met Jeff McCormick, an engineering associate with Schmucker, Paul, Nohr and Associates (SP&N), Mitchell on March 1. He presented preliminary plans for installing water and sewer lines for Poplar Street and the “North Sewer Project,” a commercial and residential development located on the north side of Oak Street. McCormick “informed the Council that they would want to hold a public meeting on the plans for Poplar Street in the next month.” On March 20, the City conducted a special meeting of the Kadoka Board of Equalization with no appeals presented to the Board. Afterwards, the Council conducted a special meeting to discuss advertising for bids to repair multiple City-owned structures. The Council plans to open the bids on May 4 and award the bid during the May meeting. The Council approved all of the meeting minutes for March 2023.  
Next, the Council reviewed bills presented for payment. The Council approved payment of the bills, the financial statements which include departmental revenues and expenditures in addition to bank account balances for the operational, money market and automated teller machine accounts as of March 31.  
In the first matter of new business, Mayor Weller issued the oath of office to Jennifer Van Pelt as a Kadoka City Council Member representing the first ward. She fills the position left vacant after Rusty Olney resigned from the Council in February, citing a conflict of interest. Initially, the Council planned to wait until the next election to fill the position after Olney’s resignation.  
In the next business matter, the Kadoka Nursing Home requested a special events license to allow alcohol to be served during a prime rib dinner at the Kadoka City Auditorium. The Council approved the license for the annual fundraising event scheduled for April 15.  
In the last matter of new business, Olney addressed the Council regarding the development of commercial properties and a residential subdivision owned by him and Mark Carlson. The properties are located north of Oak Street from SD Hwy. 73 to Fifth Avenue. Olney discussed the variables affecting development ranging from sewer access and road development, noting the “developer has one opportunity to collect. The city has more to gain in the long term.” Willert suggested reviewing options available in terms of housing development opportunities for funding. Olney and Carlson will present updated plats to the Council during the May meeting.  
After concluding matters of new business, the Council received departmental reports beginning with code enforcement. Willert asked when Joel Johnson, Code Enforcement Specialists, LLC of Burke, planned to return to Kadoka to review properties, noting that some of the Council Members may want to “tour the City with him.” Weller commented that Johnson “needs to give more notice” to the City for that purpose.  
Nathan Riggins, water and sewer superintendent, reported continued problems with sewer lines at a property located on the north side of SD-248. He “jetted that section six times now in the last few months.” Stolley asked, “what’s the timeline with Jeff [McCormick, SP&N] and scheduling a public meeting? We can’t take action. There is so much looming out there.” Grillo informed other Council Members, “I would like to sit down to discuss Mark and Rusty’s development and what we are thinking before we meet with them and what our commitment is” to the development. He further stated, “we need a meeting with Jeff [McCormick, SP&N]” adding, “I don’t know what our commitment should be.” Weller cited the need “for our engineer and their [Carlson and Olney] engineer” to work together.  
Jon Beck, chief deputy for the Jackson County Sheriff's Office (JCSO), presented the JCSO public safety report to the Council. The report noted that recently hired JCSO Deputy, Chauncey Hauptman, “has been busy working within the city limits.” In other matters pertaining to public safety, Beck and South Dakota Highway Patrol Officer Jason Hamar addressed the Council with safety concerns associated with the use of the current target range. Beck proposed to “build a rifle and pistol range” on the south side of the roping area and the Buffalo Stampede Grounds with plans “to cut a trench approximately 200 yards with a berm on three sides.” Weller noted it as a “joint effort between the City and the County.” Grillo added the need for the JCSO to present “something on paper or have a plat” showing the range area with the proposed amendments at the May meeting. The Council “is in favor of them expanding and updating the gun range” for use by law enforcement officers and residents of the City and County.  
Grillo provided the solid waste report to the Council. The Council plans to establish guidelines to allow residents to bring items to the rubble site free of charge sometime during the month of May as done in previous campaigns to improve upon the City’s curb appeal. Further information will be published by the City at a later date.  
LaTasha Buchholz, finance officer, informed the Council that the new point of sale (POS) system purchased by the Kadoka City Bar is operational and employees are “still learning.” She noted a service charge option allowing businesses to recoup up to 3.99% of the sale for expenditures associated with using bankcards. A sign posted by the POS system lists the current service charge policy for the bar.  
Holley reported plans to plant trees in the Kadoka City Park on May 10. She noted the dead and diseased trees should be removed and holes should be prepared prior to the delivery of the new trees.  
The next meeting for the Council will be on May 8 at the Kadoka City Finance Office at 7 p.m.

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