Memorial Day In Philip
The Philip community, through the annual leadership of the Wheeler-Brooks American Legion Post #173, observed Memorial Day, Monday, May 28. After graves of military deceased were decorated with flowers and flags, community members gathered for the Roll Call of the Dead. Lester Pearson read off the names of veterans buried at the Philip and other cemeteries. The wind moved the flags presented by the local honor guard as Taps was played and a 21-gun salute was fired, first at the cemetery, then at the courthouse and finally at the Living Memorial.
Inside the American Legion Hall, the colors were advanced and an invocation was given. This year’s tribute to veterans was presented by Phil Pearson. Two musical selections were performed by Michael Theye. Guest speaker, Colonel Michael Oster gave the memorial address. A video tribute to veterans was shown. The benediction was followed by a community-wide potluck and commemorative time.