Sinkey benefit organized by local Thrivent members
Wed, 06/01/2022 - 8:10am
Russ Sinkey has lived in central South Dakota all of his life. He has built corrals, pasture fence and wildlife fence from Wall to Selby in South Dakota, into Iowa and also Nebraska. A little over 18 months ago, Russ developed shortness of breath that limited his ability to continue to build fence, work cattle as he once did and began passing out with less and less activity.
After seeing a pulmonary specialist in Rapid City and being on several medications, an increase in his shortness of breath continued. He went on to see specialists at National Jewish Hospital in Denver at the end of 2021, with out improvement. In January 2022, he spent two weeks at Mayo Clinic in Rochester seeing more specialists and finally learned that his central airway had collapsed over 80% and was diagnosed with Tracheobronchomalacia. This condition affects only 13% of the population and is commonly mis-diagnosed as asthma.
Non-surgical interventions did not improve his shortness of breath or passing out with activity. Russ’s primary doctor then referred him to a pulmonary surgeon, who specialized in Tracheobronchomalacia, to see if he was a surgical candidate to help minimize the collapse of this treachea bronchioles. Russ was seen by a medical team at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville FL, where he underwent surgery to have stents placed inside his trachea and bronchioles as a diagnostic tool. This trial was a success, breathing was easier, and it was decided that Russ would be a candidate for Tracheobronchoplasty. These stents, however are removed after five to seven days as there is a risk for infection or they can work their way through the trachea wall if left in place to long. Russ came home and finally received notification that surgery can be done in June. Tracheobronchoplasty is a six hour surgery to suture mesh on the back of his trachea and bronchioles to help reduce the collapse of his central airway. He will be traveling back to Mayo Clinic Jacksonville in June for his surgery and be in the hospital for five to seven days.
The members of Thrivent under the direction of Reuben Vollmer have set up an account at the 1st National Bank in Midland, to help with expenses for the Sinkey Family under the “Russ Sinkey Benefit.”