Summer reading program kids hit their reading goals

During the month of June, children between the ages of 3 and 12 were invited to join the Midland Community Library and the Haakon County Public Library each Wednesday for Summer Reading Program. The theme for this year’s program was Tales and Tails. Each week a special guest joined the kids to talk to them about animals. Thanks to these volunteers, the kids in attendance got to get some hands-on experience with all kinds of animals. These included goats, chickens, pigeons, tadpoles, minnows, and the furs and pelts of wild animals. Each week children in both Midland and Philip waited with excited smiles for their turn to pet and hold these animals. Both libraries are very thankful to the community members who were willing to present to the kids and teach them more about animals.
This was the first year that Midland and Philip worked together to have Summer Reading Program, and their combined efforts paid off! Both libraries reached record highs for children in attendance. Another new feature to Summer Reading Program this year was the incentive for kids to read as much as they can. Each child got to pick a goal of how much they wanted to read in four weeks. Then on July 7, the kids were invited back to pick out their very own brand-new book as a reward for all of their hard work!