Pioneer Review
The Kadoka All Class Reunion activities kicked off Thursday morning with the Professional Rodeo Cowboy Association (PRCA) rodeo performance featuring rodeo clown Timber Tuckness at the Buffalo Stampede Arena. After the rodeo, the Sundogs performed, providing rodeo attendees with a mix of genres for...
Last week Mother Nature reminded us of her power and communities were left literally, picking up the pieces. “As everyone is aware, we experienced three consecutive nights of severe weather that raised havoc with our electrical system and our members’ personal property,” said West Central Electric...
A storm moved into the Philip area on Saturday evening, June 11th, shortly after the conclusion of the Philip Match Bronc Ride. This storm picked up steam and eventually turned a five-mile radius around Philip, upside down. Some of the more drastic tornado like activity was large grain bins flying...
Russ Sinkey has lived in central South Dakota all of his life. He has built corrals, pasture fence and wildlife fence from Wall to Selby in South Dakota, into Iowa and also Nebraska. A little over 18 months ago, Russ developed shortness of breath that limited his ability to continue to build fence...
Thursday morning a vehicle crashed into the side of the Philip Health Services Clinic and Hospital. The vehicle took sheet rock off the inside wall of the hallway leading to the clinic and broke a propane line. Due to the propane line being hit the clinic and hospital patients were immediately...
The Haakon County Commissioners met on Monday, May 2 as a board of equalization to hear appeals presented after the April 12th meeting. No appeals had been filed so the board adjourned as a board of equalization. They then called the regular meeting to order.
States Attorney Marty Jackley reported...
The Philip community has struggled with a shortage of housing for years. This is evident when visiting with local business owners as they have difficulty filling positions due to the potential employee not being able to find housing. One of those businesses owners is Jerry and Karen Kroetch. The...