Pioneer Review
A full house of people attended the Scotchman Living Center open house and toured the new facility Thursday, July 22nd. Self tours began at 2:00 p.m. and a few guided tours of the entire new facility were held. A short welcome and introduction was given and a prayer dedicating the facility was...
In April of 2021 Haakon County appointed a new Director of Equalization, Amanka Frink. As an introduction to the Haakon County residents, the Pioneer Review staff submitted questions to Frink asking her to tell us about herself and her plans for the county. “Hello to all the Haakon County...
During the month of June, children between the ages of 3 and 12 were invited to join the Midland Community Library and the Haakon County Public Library each Wednesday for Summer Reading Program. The theme for this year’s program was Tales and Tails. Each week a special guest joined the kids to talk...
The Philip Chamber of Commerce celebration committee has added a few new items to the original schedule of events. The events of the Chamber of Commerce will blend with the Haakon/Jackson 4-H Achievement Days events which is being held the same weekend.Johnathan May, a comedian and magician, will...
On April 23rd Shad Finn was bucked from his horse resulting in a broken neck. To offset medical costs, there was a benefit held for Shad Finn.The benefit was held on Friday , June 11 at the Midland Market. The benefit included a raffle for a 6.5 Creedmoor, 22’’ Cerakote Barrel rifle and a...
We reached out to members of our community to ask them questions about their father in honor of the upcoming Father’s Day, Sunday, June 20. We asked them to answer one or both of the following questions: What is your favorite thing about your dad/father figure? What is the best advice he has given...
By Chelsea TobinThe Haakon County Commission met for their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 1.Sandra Heaton of Haakon County Abstract met with the Commission to discuss and review insurance questions the Commission had during the previous meeting. The Commission also held discussion on...
Memorial Day recognizes and commemerates the men and women who died, particularly in battle or as a result of wounds sustained while in battle, while serving in any United States military branch.This year, volunteers and members of the Wheeler-Brooks Post #173 American Legion and American Legion...
West Central Electric has been busy near Milesville this past week burying an electric line that comes from one mile west of Billsburg on Highway 34, four miles north to the Staben Dam, and then east into Milesville. Each year West Central Electric buries some of its electrical lines, and this...