Pioneer Review
Randy joined the company on Feb 14, 1983 running a hand mill. Through the years, he moved throughout the factory, running various pieces of machinery and helping with quality control. Approximately six years ago Randy took on Scotchman’s Lean manufacturing project – working to organize and...
The Haakon County Commissioners met in regular session on Thursday, February 9, 2023. During the public comments portion of the meeting, Ben Buls spoke to the commissioners about the need for a culvert on Hilltop Dr. which goes north and south in front of his house. The commissioners and District...
The South Dakota Association of Rural Water Systems (SDARWS) recently named John Kramer of the West River/Lyman-Jones Rural Water System as the Rural Operations Specialist of the Year during the organization’s Annual Technical Conference in Pierre. This award recognizes operations specialists of...
A high school class in 1972 set the stage for a career in the abstract business for Sandra Heaton, in Philip SD. Heaton took a class, Distributive Education, and was allowed to work during school hours and after school for a business of her choosing. Ardeth Kendall was the owner of Haakon County...
A variety of things pushed Lane Blasius into the field of medicine. Blasius a fourth-year medical student from Wall, SD, is doing his second, four-week rotation at Philip Health Services in Philip. “I enjoyed learning about science and medicine,” said Blasius, “and I wanted a career where I could...
The American Legion Wheeler-Brooks Post 173 in Philip received financial help from the Philip Area Community Foundation this past year. A total of $7,257.65 was granted to the Legion for new flooring, bar remodel, stage lighting update, and cooler replacement. Members of the Philip Area Community...
Through some entities in Philip, Western Dakota Technical College (WDTC) is making a life of working in the medical field more convenient. The technical college is utilizing rooms in the former Haakon County School District elementary building for classroom and lab work for nursing school. Three...
Over the weekend the town of Philip and surrounding communities were saddened by the sudden passing of Philip High School boys basketball coach Jana Jones, who died on New Year’s Day. She was 63. Jones was the first woman in South Dakota to coach boys basketball and she broke through that glass...
JanuaryPhilip Livestock LLC reports a good first sale of the year with bred cattle higher and the weighup market steady to higher. Bred cattle averaged 1350/$12.19, weighups averaged 1423/$64.10, and bulls averaged 1760/$82.90.Haakon County Commissioners met and elected Steve Daly as chairman and...
Due to two winter storms, the second and third Holiday Gifting Spree cash giveaways, sponsored by the Philip Chamber of Commerce and local businesses were combined on Wednesday, December 21st. Severe weather with high winds, extreme cold, and snow forced the event to go remote and the drawing...