Penn. Co. Courant

Dowling Baptist Church, circa 1927
The Dowling Community Church was organized July 19, 1922, by Rev. John Wynn, a cowboy preacher.  Wynn was riding by the Dowling schoolhouse on Roger Williams, his horse.  Stopping at the school he asked Miss Hazel Hines permission to hold meetings in her school room.  Excited by the news, she...
Pictured is photographer Barb Hockenbary. Her and her husband, Jim, own and operate Corky’s Auto Supply in Murdo, SD.
As much as we’d like to be, we can’t be everywhere to capture all of the fun and the memories in our town and surrounding areas. We rely on local photographers, who graciously send their photos in when we cannot attend. This week’s featured photographer is Barbara Hockenbary. Barb provides photos...
The South Dakota Beef Throw Down was new to the Sturgis Rally this year, expanding the beef demand through a continued partnership with the City of Sturgis as the official meat of the 2019 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. The venue allowed beef to reach nearly a half million consumers from all of the...
Jethro Macalalad is in 6th grade and is the Wall Middle School Student of the Month for March 2019. Jethro is an outstanding student! He is responsible and works hard in school. He also treats others with kindness and respect. Jethro is involved in extracurricular activities such as band and...
Jeremy Waltner/Freeman Courier photo
Two candidates seeking the Republican nomination for governor did not differ much on the issues, instead used most of a debate to offer their qualifications for the office. The debate between U.S. Rep. Kristi Noem and S.D. Attorney General Marty Jackley took place Saturday at the annual convention...
The best and brightest from the Class of 2018 were honored for their academic achievements at the 28th Annual Academic Excellence Banquet in Pierre on Monday, April 23. In conjunction with Gov. Dennis Daugaard, the Associated School Boards of South Dakota invited more than 200 students, who were...
The Catalyst Club will hold their 38th annual Good Neighbor Banquet  Saturday, April 21 at the Wall Community Center.  The Catalyst Club was founded in 1981 when Lyndell Peterson and Elnoris Kjerstad were fixing fence and having a discussion about their many good neighbors and how there should be a...


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